The Green Girl did not meet Jillian Michaels last night at the The Women's Conference Night at The Village.
The Women's Conference is a forum that was originally established for women small business owners. The 2 day event is hosted by California First Lady Maria Shriver and is being held at the Long Beach Convention Center.
The theme for this year's conference is "How to Become an Architect of Change." The Convention Center was filled with booths offering information on their products and services. Almost every table was handing out free goodies.
I was hoping to get my 30 Day Shred dvd autographed but was told I had to purchase a copy of her latest book so I bought myself a copy and got in line.
The lines for autographs weaved through one side of the convention center. Jillian's fans couldn't help but be envious of Paula Deen's line because it moved so quickly. Jillian's line moved really slowly because instead of just signing and moving on, she took the time to chat and take pictures with each fan. A few people left to get in line for Paula Deen's autograph and when they came back, we were still standing in the same place.
At one point, the volunteers informed us Jillian had another commitment and she would have to leave at 8:15. All we could do was nervously look at our watches and hope the line would move quickly enough for us to get our turn with Jillian. And the more people that got discouraged and left, the closer we got to the front of the line.
When there were able 7 people in front of me, we were told they were going to have to cut the line off 3 people in front of me. I couldn't believe I was that close to meeting Jillian.
When it was her turn, she went up there and Jillian started talking to her. I snapped as many pictures as I could. Jillian asked her what name to put on my book and she turned around and asked me what my name was.
I don't know why she decided to help me out like that but I am so grateful to this girl for being so thoughtful and taking my book up to Jillian for me.
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