The Green Girl was inspired by the Day Zero Project's '101 Things in 1001 Days Challenge' to start her own challenge of attempting to complete 100 things in a given calendar year.
The Green Girl's 100 Things for 2013 - [048/100]
The Green Girl's 100 Things for 2013 - [048/100]
Accrue 60 professional development units (PDUs) for my PMP certification01.16.2013Create my elevator pitch02.16.2013Update my resume05.06.2013Get a promotion or new job03.01.2013- Get Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Learn a new technical skill01.19.2013- Find a mentor
Go completely paperless/automated for all bills01.14.2013- Get at least 5 sponsors for the Angelman Syndrome Foundation annual walk
Re-assess the Tumaini for the Future project10.31.2013- Answer the '50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind'
Simplify my life in 10 tangible ways[10/10]- Started using Evernote for productivity/organization 01.31.2013
- Started using Evernote Web Clipper for bookmarks 01.31.2013
- Started using Evernote to inventory household items. 03.10.2013
- Started using Feedly for RSS feed subscriptions. 03.10.2013
- Started using only icons to conserve Bookmark Toolbar real estate. 03.11.2013
- Started using Zim Wiki for a desktop wiki. 03.15.2013
- Started using a green Ikea cutting board to fold my clothing. 03.16.2013
- Started using WinMerge Excel plug-in. 03.28.2013
- Started using PuTTY Connection Manager. 03.29.2013
- Started following a weekly schedule. 04.15.2013
- Volunteer at an assisted-living or retirement home
Start journaling again01.07.2013- Write a short story
Get a library card01.07.2013- Read Sophie's World
- Read Chi Marathon book
- Mark all the places I've visited in my 1000 Places To See Before You Die book
Do something outside of my comfort zone01.19.2013- Do something spontaneous
Get a new luggage03.15.2013Buy a necklace02.10.2013Buy a dress08.29.2013Buy a pair of black heels05.25.2013- Mend clothing that need repairs
- Go on a road trip
Go camping09.06.2013- Go dancing
Ride a bus with Jade12.25.2013Ride a train with Jade02.17.2013Build a snowman02.10.2013Go on a picnic08.03.2013- Go zip lining
- Play Pixar Monopoly
- Get mole check
- Get my wisdom teeth removed
Get new prescription sunglasses01.15.2013Give contact lenses another go09.19.2013- Meeting a blogging friend in real life
- Update The Running Green Girl's header
- Update The Running Green Girl's About
- Improve The Running Green Girl SEO
Update my running playlist10.26.2013Consolidate/prune my address books/contacts08.29.2013- Organize or digitize photographs
Organize family photographs online03.27.2013- Put pictures in frames
Do Pilates on a reformer01.31.2013- Explore a new place with Lexa
- Do a century with Lexa, Angelina, Chris, Kapil, and Nevil
- Learn to ride Lexa clipped in
Take Lexa for a ride on the Metro06.23.2013- Complete Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
Run a race in a costume07.07.2013- Get a facial
- Spend a day at a spa
Go to Disneyland09.01.2013Go to California Adventure09.01.2013- Get another tattoo
Meditate05.02.2013- Attend a self-defense class
- Attend a gun/firearms training class
Renew CPR/First Aid certification01.12.2013- Organize bathroom cabinet
- Coat shower liner with baby oil and see if it prevents soap scum
- Organize the kitchen pantry
Update my recipe book01.14.2013- Get a green mixer
- Take a cooking class
- Roast a whole chicken
- Make vegetarian sushi
Make homemade mac & cheese04.10.2013Try a new cuisine05.04.2013- Go fruit picking
Eat a new fruit03.18.2013Repair camera or get a replacement02.05.2013- Learn how to use manual features/settings on camera
Take pictures of the sun rise and set in the same day09.07.2013- Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
- Take a picture for the numbers from 0 to 9
- Take a picture of the same place every month
- Document a day in the life of a Green Girl in pictures
- Take a picture of a Dead Drop
- Send a care package to the little boy I'm sponsoring through Vision Africa
Perform a random act of kindness08.14.2013- Make a scrapbook
- Help microfinance a small business through a Zidisha loan
Get a new Road ID01.29.2013Obtain Amateur Ham Radio License01.20.2013Get a ham radio01.28.2013Inventory bug-out bags01.15.2013Get 10 more bug-out bag items[10/10]- Flat-head and Phillips screwdrivers 02.09.2013
Inventory emergency food/water supplies12.10.2013Inventory first aid kit01.15.2013Purchase second first aid kit for home02.13.2013Give all family members paracord bracelets/keychains01.29.2013- Print out map with routes to ride to San Jose with Lexa
- Take bug-out bag for test ride with Lexa
- Private