The Green Girl's 100 Things for 2013 - [048/100]
Accrue 60 professional development units (PDUs) for my PMP certification01.16.2013Create my elevator pitch02.16.2013Update my resume05.06.2013Get a promotion or new job03.01.2013- Get Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Learn a new technical skill01.19.2013- Find a mentor
Go completely paperless/automated for all bills01.14.2013- Get at least 5 sponsors for the Angelman Syndrome Foundation annual walk
Re-assess the Tumaini for the Future project10.31.2013- Answer the '50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind'
Simplify my life in 10 tangible ways[10/10]- Started using Evernote for productivity/organization 01.31.2013
- Started using Evernote Web Clipper for bookmarks 01.31.2013
- Started using Evernote to inventory household items. 03.10.2013
- Started using Feedly for RSS feed subscriptions. 03.10.2013
- Started using only icons to conserve Bookmark Toolbar real estate. 03.11.2013
- Started using Zim Wiki for a desktop wiki. 03.15.2013
- Started using a green Ikea cutting board to fold my clothing. 03.16.2013
- Started using WinMerge Excel plug-in. 03.28.2013
- Started using PuTTY Connection Manager. 03.29.2013
- Started following a weekly schedule. 04.15.2013
- Volunteer at an assisted-living or retirement home
Start journaling again01.07.2013- Write a short story
Get a library card01.07.2013- Read Sophie's World
- Read Chi Marathon book
- Mark all the places I've visited in my 1000 Places To See Before You Die book
Do something outside of my comfort zone01.19.2013- Do something spontaneous
Get a new luggage03.15.2013Buy a necklace02.10.2013Buy a dress08.29.2013Buy a pair of black heels05.25.2013- Mend clothing that need repairs
- Go on a road trip
Go camping09.06.2013- Go dancing
Ride a bus with Jade12.25.2013Ride a train with Jade02.17.2013Build a snowman02.10.2013Go on a picnic08.03.2013- Go zip lining
- Play Pixar Monopoly
- Get mole check
- Get my wisdom teeth removed
Get new prescription sunglasses01.15.2013Give contact lenses another go09.19.2013- Meeting a blogging friend in real life
- Update The Running Green Girl's header
- Update The Running Green Girl's About
- Improve The Running Green Girl SEO
Update my running playlist10.26.2013Consolidate/prune my address books/contacts08.29.2013- Organize or digitize photographs
Organize family photographs online03.27.2013- Put pictures in frames
Do Pilates on a reformer01.31.2013- Explore a new place with Lexa
- Do a century with Lexa, Angelina, Chris, Kapil, and Nevil
- Learn to ride Lexa clipped in
Take Lexa for a ride on the Metro06.23.2013- Complete Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
Run a race in a costume07.07.2013- Get a facial
- Spend a day at a spa
Go to Disneyland09.01.2013Go to California Adventure09.01.2013- Get another tattoo
Meditate05.02.2013- Attend a self-defense class
- Attend a gun/firearms training class
Renew CPR/First Aid certification01.12.2013- Organize bathroom cabinet
- Coat shower liner with baby oil and see if it prevents soap scum
- Organize the kitchen pantry
Update my recipe book01.14.2013- Get a green mixer
- Take a cooking class
- Roast a whole chicken
- Make vegetarian sushi
Make homemade mac & cheese04.10.2013Try a new cuisine05.04.2013- Go fruit picking
Eat a new fruit03.18.2013Repair camera or get a replacement02.05.2013- Learn how to use manual features/settings on camera
Take pictures of the sun rise and set in the same day09.07.2013- Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
- Take a picture for the numbers from 0 to 9
- Take a picture of the same place every month
- Document a day in the life of a Green Girl in pictures
- Take a picture of a Dead Drop
- Send a care package to the little boy I'm sponsoring through Vision Africa
Perform a random act of kindness08.14.2013- Make a scrapbook
- Help microfinance a small business through a Zidisha loan
Get a new Road ID01.29.2013Obtain Amateur Ham Radio License01.20.2013Get a ham radio01.28.2013Inventory bug-out bags01.15.2013Get 10 more bug-out bag items[10/10]- Flat-head and Phillips screwdrivers 02.09.2013
Inventory emergency food/water supplies12.10.2013Inventory first aid kit01.15.2013Purchase second first aid kit for home02.13.2013Give all family members paracord bracelets/keychains01.29.2013- Print out map with routes to ride to San Jose with Lexa
- Take bug-out bag for test ride with Lexa
- Private
Wow, you are going to be busy in 2013! I'm tired just reading your list :-). I do number 86 on a fairly regular basis. It's a ton of fun.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to check out the 50 question too. Thanks for the link.
Happy New Year!
I just added the 'reply' to comment functionality on my blog. I feel so fancy.
DeleteThat's awesome what you do 86 on a regular basis, Mike!
Here's to a great year! I'll be in San Diego January 16-21 and at the Tinkerbell Half at Disneyland on January 20. Ham radio classes are fun. I obtained my General license when I was 14 (I don't know if that is still a class of license, they changed the regulations when I was getting my licenses).
ReplyDeleteLook who can reply to comments now!
DeleteLet me know if you have free time so we can try to meet up next weekend!
Whoa! Now, that's a bunch! I don't think I'll ever create a 100 list of must do's... Haha. 50 is a mouthful already.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year! :)
Teah, it's not so bad — I plan to follow The Green Girl's lead and create 100 of my own :) 77 down, 23 to go. It's a good challenge to put yourself through — you have a better guide to show yourself how awesome a year has turned out :)
DeleteThanks to Casey, I can now reply to comments! So fancy.
DeleteHappy New Year, Teah!
That's an impressive list! I don't know that I could think of 100 things beyond laundry and house cleaning.
ReplyDeleteTracy, you are too cute. If I had kids, I'm sure my list would be very different!
DeleteThis list has inspired me to create one for myself, too. I think this is a much better alternative to New Year's resolutions! Look forward to reading about your progess!
ReplyDeleteI'm thrilled that I inspired you, Becky! Looking forward to working on these goals and cheering each other on.
DeleteI am definitely inspired to make a list for myself... probably not as long but SUPER GOOD LUCK with yours in 2013!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! This is so cool that others are getting inspired to make lists, too. I love lists!
DeleteThis is such a great idea. I love the whole cross them off and date them as you go!
ReplyDeleteThanks, girl! It's really helping me stay focused.
DeleteThis. Is. Awesome.
ReplyDelete-Rose Ann
Thank you, girl. I'm having fun with it!