
The Green Girl's Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold

The Green Girl participated in the Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold which was held across the world on Saturday, February 11th.

At 6:30 am, on January 7, 2012, Sherry Arnold, went for a run in her hometown of Sidney, Montana. When Sherry never returned home, her husband reported her to the police as missing.

By 3:00 pm hundreds of volunteers were searching for Sherry. Only one clue was found, her right running shoe.

Her body was never found but a man confessed to her murder. Sherry had been abducted a mile from her house.

The Green Girl and her niece, Jade, honoring Sherry Arnold's memory with the Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold
I had never met Sherry Arnold. The incident hit close to home because I'm a runner.

I'm also a female who goes on the majority of her runs alone. And admittedly, mostly at night. Sherry vanished in the early morning.

I quickly discovered she was the cousin of one of my fellow running blogger friends, Beth from Shut Up + Run. Way too close to home.

Honoring Sherry Arnold's memory during the Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold
Sherry, I managed to get your bib on my niece, and then I ran to honor your memory.

Death leaves a heartache
no one can heal,
love leaves a memory
no one can steal.

Irish Headstone


  1. Love the quote. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal". Sums it up nicely.

  2. Such a sad story that leaves all us female runners feeling vulnerable. Very nice post.

  3. Nice tribute and I enjoyed reading your post. We ran for Sherry, too, and I have been reading everyone's recaps.

    Good for you! And stay safe out there.

  4. Sherry's story made me very angry. Things like that rarely if ever happen to men. Certainly women never attack other women or men. Yes, I am a feminist at heart.
    I ran for Sherry on a trail, alone, early in the morning, and glad no thug crossed my path. (I had to run with hiking poles, it was very icy :) )
    OK, I am calm now.

  5. Really great! I also ran in memory of Sherry. This is so sad an unnecessary.

  6. My friends and I ran as well. It hit way too close to home.


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