
The Green Girl's Track Workout

Coach Steve leading the Sole Runners track workout
Last Tuesday, the Green Girl attended the first Sole Runners track workout of the season at her alma matter, Long Beach State.

We started off with ChiRunning body looseners and then Coach Steve had us warm-up with four easy laps around the track.

Sole Runners doing ChiRunning body looseners
Next, he had us do some 100 meter drills.

As usual, I refrained from participating in the crossovers because I am terrified of spraining an ankle again.

After the drills, we walked a lap and then Coach Steve instructed us to run a lap as fast as we could and then cool-down with a walk about 50 meters out and 50 meters back to the start where we could repeat the process all over again.

Sole Runners post-run yoga
Since I started training for Tour DaVita with Lexa, I've been alternating between running and cycling every other day.

I also stopped running with Mr. Green Garmin because it seemed like a hassle to change all the display settings back and forth between miles per hour and pace every day.

I forgot to change Mr. Green Garmin back to pace so I had no idea how fast I was running during the track workout because he was speaking to me in miles per hour.

All I knew was that I was passing runners who were doing 9:20/minute miles and Coach Steve said I was looking good.

I was focused on only one thing - relaxing my body.

Sole Runners post-run yoga
Coach Steve led the post-run yoga as the sun set over the college campus.

When I got home and uploaded my workout, I was thrilled to see my numbers. I couldn't believe how fast I had run. I had averaged between an 8:40 and 9:20 pace.

I've really been pushing myself lately and it felt good to see some results.


  1. Unrelated to your post here, but was wondering how many full marathons have you run? I saw your post about the Athens Marathon. Do you plan on running one this year? Just curious :-)

  2. The Green Girl on the track...impressive! Great pace! Your hard work and dedication is starting to pay off. Keep it going!

  3. That's a great pace - you were moving! Doesn't that feel great?

  4. Great workout! You're doing fantastic.

  5. Mary, you truly inspire me!

  6. Congratulations on the pace!! That is so cool!!

  7. Good job! I especially like that you are leaving Garmin behind. Those are the best kind of workouts. ;)

  8. Nice job on the speedwork!! You are doing great!

  9. That is so awesome! You are getting SOOOOO fast. Congrats. p.s. - I'm terrified of sprained ankles too. I just twisted mine the other day at lunch when my heel got stuck in a sidewalk grate :(

  10. Great job on the track workout! I'm also paranoid about getting injured. No shame in stepping aside and avoiding catastrophe. I used to avoid anything that involved my hands- like basketball, base ball etc because I played clarinet professionally and would have been devastated had I broke a finger.

  11. Nice work! Check out the data fields settings on your Garmin - you can setup customized display screens.

  12. You are making some good improvement and during the hot summer months, too. Good job!

  13. Great job, fast pants Green Girl!


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