
Sole Runners Saturday Morning Run

Coach Steve talking about the Palos-Dena Ultra Challenge 52.4 / 26.2
Last Saturday, the Green Girl joined the Sole Runners for her long run.

Coach Steve handed out Palos-Dena Ultra Challenge 52.4 / 26.2 shirts and honored all the Sole Runners who took on the challenge this year.

Runners who registered and completed both the the Palos Verdes Marathon (full or half) and Pasadena Marathon (full or half) which took place on a consecutive Saturday and Sunday in May, were qualified to join the Ultra Challenge Challenger Club.

Kerri at the Sole Runners aide station
I was anxious to see if my faster times at the track could translate into an improved pace on longer runs.

As we headed out for our run, Coach Steve suggested I increase my cadence. He commented that my foot turnover was looking good at the track and I needed to keep that up.

I had left my metronome in the car so another Sole Runner, Katie, loaned me hers. Coach Steve set it to 58.

The cadence was faster than what I'm used to do I struggled to stay on the beat but when I looked down at Mr. Green Garmin and saw I was consistently under a 12 minute mile pace, I was motivated to keep it up.

Sole Runners post-run yoga
I ended up doing 13 miles in 2:37 - a 12:07 minute pace.

When I got back, I decompressed with some post-run yoga and then headed to breakfast with one of the Sole Runners, Michelle, and her boyfriend, Donovan.


  1. What's your fastest half marathon? I'm a cadence junkie, you need to be one too. Great run, see you Sat.

  2. Hi G.G. hope you are doing awesome. Fast cadence is where it's at. I set mine to 90! And that stays the same no matter what my pace is. Maybe you will do LB Half in October and we can meet.

  3. Coach Steve, my half marathon PR is 02:49:16 at the Surf City Half Marathon.

    Chris K., I'd love to meet you in October!

  4. Great job with that training run! Seems like the faster cadence= faster speed for you. You were at your PR pace. :)

  5. yoga must have felt good after that run!

  6. I'll bet that's really cool having a coach there to help you on the way. You are working SO hard, well done!


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