I should be getting my orthotics this week. The podiatrist taped up my foot again last week when I got fitted for the orthotics and I was able to run 4.5 miles Friday night. I didn't run as fast as I did at the Wrigley River Run but I was able to maintain a steady pace and ended up averaging about a 15 minute mile.
Now that my running confidence is slowly increasing, I'm cautiously optimistic about San Francisco.
Which brings me to my next point. I'm trying to do marathon math. More specifically, San Francisco Marathon and Half Marathon math.
Now, my math is based on the fact that the slowest people always start last, right? And they are the slowest so they will take the longest.
The last Wave Start for the full marathon is 06:42. Almost 07:00, right? Assuming the slowest runners take 6 hours (this is coming from a girl who finished her marathon in just over 7.5), that means they will be finishing just before 13:00.
The Green Girl is doing the second half of the marathon and will also be in the last Wave Start which is 08:35. The website says The 6-hour time limit will begin after the last runner in the last wave has cleared the Start Line. Doesn't that mean the Green Girl has until 12:42 to cross the Finish Line?
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