
The Green Girl Won A Little Stick Blog Giveaway

The Green Girl won her very first blog giveaway and wants to thank Chasing Atalanta for her awesome Little Stick.

I've been coveting the Travel Stick for awhile now because I swear by my Sprinter Stick but I wanted something more compact to take with me to the Athens Classic Marathon. The Little Stick is absolutely perfect and will be that much easier to stash in my carry-on.


  1. I love my little stick! It was a van favorite for Hood to Coast. Hope yours treats you just as well!

  2. I must be living in a cave. I have never seen those and since I often run in the dark this is surely one thing I could use. Google to the rescue!

  3. Congrats!

    We have the bigger version of this stick at the suggestion of my girls Cross Country Coach. It was wonderful when I had my calf issues a few weeks ago. (wonderful and painful all at the same time!)

  4. Congrats winner! I bought the travel stick in anticipation of travel. Although I've only used it at home so far, it's been awesome!

  5. Congratulations, that's a great prize to win. Very handy indeed.

  6. Oooh, I'd love a little one to carry on a plane with me for after a race. Congrats on you win!! :)

  7. yay for you!! :D congrats!! I dont have any sticks... but i've heard a lot about them :D

  8. So happy you won this girl! Its like the perfect present ever! Im sure you will show it some loving in Greece!!


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